Filling up with eco-friendly E10 petrol could be like giving your car a drink of vodka causing potential damage and hitting motorists in the pocket reckon bosses at greentech company SulNOx Group. E10 is being rolled out as the new standard petrol grade in the UK replacing the current E5 grade. And while Dr. Dan Clarke Global Head of Science and Technology at SulNOx Group sees this as a positive step towards decarbonisation he warned that it was not without issues. E10 contains more bio-ethanol a kind of alcohol manufactured from plants and it is this that could create a permanent hangover said Dr Clarke. For many motorists E10 is a positive move towards decarbonisation but its implementation may also lead to increased costs and reduced performance in some cars and cause more serious issues for a significant number of older yet still serviceable vehicles. Issues have been found following a rollout of E10 in France and current RAC Foundation estimates suggest more than 634 000 cars on UK roads are incompatible with E10 - 150 000 of those built from the year 2000 onwards. Dr Clarke explains: The main problem is that the additional bio-ethanol content in E10 prefers to mix with water as opposed to petrol and where there is sufficient of both it leaves the petrol and combines with the water to form a separate layer at the bottom of the fuel tank. The fuel line then draws from this watery alcohol mixture which is pumped directly into the engine increasing the risk of damage and breakdowns so I would expect to see more cars going into limp home mode as a result. SulNOx Group Plc which specialises in providing responsible solutions towards decarbonisation of liquid hydrocarbon fuels has developed the SulNOxEco Petrol Conditioner - a sustainable biodegradable fuel additive that mitigates the issues from separation by lifting the water from the bottom of the tank and re-dispersing it throughout the fuel.
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