Research has found that over half (51%) of UK drivers try to avoid driving in icy and snowy conditions - but unfortunately that s not always an option. Driving in snow and ice causes significant issues for motorists every year. Motorists might need to be extra cautious this year due to a possible shortage of gritter drivers. But with preparation you could reduce the risks. Here are our tips to staying safe on the roads. - Motorists taking to the road should try to plan journeys in advance keeping to major roads where possible as they re more likely to have been gritted. - Make sure your windows mirrors lights and roof are all clear of snow before you start your journey - Check your car is road ready - make sure your tyres to make sure they have enough tread to grip in the ice and snow your windscreen is properly de-iced and your lights are working - When driving ensure to accelerate gently and get to the highest gear as quickly as you can - Leave as much as 10 times the recommended stopping distance between you and the car in front - Consider carrying a winter breakdown kit with all the tools you need in case of emergency
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