Recent research from Veygo has revealed the UK postcodes with the most (& least) car tax-dodging drivers - the 10 worst offenders see over 200 000 annual fines and owe over £ 30 million. The postcode with the highest number of enforcement actions for untaxed vehicles is BT Belfast. Here there were 38 223 fines equating to £ 5 733 450 of unpaid vehicle tax. As one of the largest postcodes it stands to reason that the BT area would be high up on the list but that s still a tremendous amount of missing taxes! B postcodes found the Birmingham area has the second-highest number of enforcement actions totalling 37 907 in 2020. In third place is Manchester s M postcode which saw 19 058 enforcement actions over the course of last year. This translates into £ 2 858 700 of unpaid vehicle taxes. The WC postcode of Western Central London saw the fewest enforcement actions for untaxed vehicles of anywhere in the country with just 216. This is not a hugely surprising result as Western Central London has a relatively small population and the availability of public transport is vast. Further Study Insights revealed that the WC postcode of Western Central London had the smallest number per head with only 6 fines for every 1 000 residents. Worcester is the UK s car tax-dodging capital with the most enforcement actions per head of anywhere in the country (27.90 per 1 000 residents).
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