Drivers should take note of safety risks and potential fines which could be faced by forgetting to de-ice windscreens. Car Insurance Expert at Alex Kindred says: Our research found that icy conditions have delayed over half (54%) of UK drivers getting to work. Now that it s getting colder again remembering to leave enough time to de-ice your car before setting off is a must. Not only do we need to take extra care on slippery roads to stay safe drivers need to be aware that driving with limited vision caused by ice or condensation on your windscreen could land you with a £ 60 fine and three points on your licence. There are some simple steps to clearing your windscreen quickly including using an ice scraper and de-icer rather than reaching for the kettle which could damage the glass. If you don t have any de-icer to hand you can make your own with a towel soaked in salty water to lay across the window overnight or in a spray bottle using either: - Water plus one teaspoon of salt - One part water to three parts vinegar - Two parts alcohol or surgical spirit in one part water These should help you to avoid any unnecessary cracks and fines - the last thing we need on a frosty morning!
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