New analysis from Churchill Motor Insurance reveals road collisions resulting in death or serious injury are on the rise in the UK. There were more than 223 000 road traffic incidents across the country between 2018 and 2020 the latest available data. Over this timeframe the number of incidents resulting in death or serious injury increased from 24 per cent to 28 per cent equating to 43 more serious events per 1 000 collisions. Data recorded by attending police officers reveals the most common contributing factor for a collision is driver error or reaction which was cited in two thirds (66 per cent) of police reports. Behaviour or inexperience which covers the driver failing to look properly failing to judge another person s path or speed and taking a poor turn or manoeuvre is also a major contributing factor being cited in 23 per cent of incidents. This is followed by injudicious action which covers exceeding the speed limit disobeying traffic signals or performing illegal manoeuvres which is a factor in 20 per cent of incidents. External factors such as vehicle defects (two per cent) vision being affected by external factors (10 per cent) and road environment (12 per cent) are less likely to contribute to accidents than factors within the control of the motorist. Looking at specific causes of accidents failing to look properly contributed to nearly 83 000 (37 per cent) collisions over the past three years. This is followed by failing to judge another person s path or speed (19 per cent) careless reckless or hurried driving (16 per cent) and a poor turn or manoeuvre (12 per cent). The top five is completed by loss of control which contributed to 11 per cent of road traffic accidents.
08-Nov-2021 16:39:56
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