As the winter nights draw in and visibility is reduced the likelihood of traffic accidents increases. When the clocks turn back at the end of every October there is typically a 10-15% increase in collisions between the hours of 4pm and 7pm throughout the following month of November. The Department for Transport statistics reveal that in 2019 274 traffic collisions were caused by drivers being dazzled by the headlights of oncoming vehicles with a further 282 incidents resulting from drivers failing to use their lights at night or in poor visibility. Innovative headlight technology is helping keep motorists evenings brighter and safer as the evenings draw in. Take advanced Matrix LED lighting now increasingly available from affordable brands like Skoda. The technology uses a forward-facing camera to detect the headlights of oncoming vehicles and deactivate the segment of the light beam directed toward them in real time. Thanks to individually switchable LED clusters in each headlight drivers still benefit from a perfectly illuminated road ahead without dazzling other motorists.
08-Nov-2021 16:51:35
19-Apr-2022 12:38:08
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01-Nov-2021 17:01:17