Fuel prices have hit a record high with petrol now reaching 170.4p and diesel costing a new high of 181.4p. Car Insurance Expert at Confused.com Alex Kindred says: It s clear to see that rising costs are having an impact on drivers. Our research found that two in five (40%) UK drivers are making a conscious effort to drive less to save on fuel. However it s not always possible for all motorists to reduce their driving so are having to look for ways to make their tanks last a bit longer. Making some simple changes to the way you drive can reduce the amount of fuel you use and therefore the number of times you need to top up. These include: Remove excess weight from their vehicle Ensure tyres are inflated to the correct pressure Go easy on the accelerator Keep your windows closed Avoid idling Shop around for fuel Fluctuation in fuel prices as well as varying costs between regions and suppliers can be confusing to know when and where we re going to get the best deal. If you do need fuel by shopping around regularly you could save money in the long run and ensure you re not paying over the odds.
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