A new piece of research by Zutobi has finally debunked those driving test myths that we all hear about on the run-up to our test. Driving examiners have a pass quota MYTH - Whilst there are whispers that examiners must pass or fail a certain number of candidates each day this isn t true. Whether you succeed is purely down to how you drive. You should drive slower to prove that you re careful MYTH - Driving too slow would actually have the opposite effect as you re likely to delay traffic behind you and cause frustration to other drivers. Plus driving slow makes you look hesitant and nervous to your examiner. Stalling taking a wrong turn or crossing your hands at the wheel causes an instant fail MYTH - For stalling or taking a wrong turn this is not an instant fail. Instead it s all about keeping calm and how you react. Crossing your hands at the wheel comes down to control of the vehicle but you can steer however you like. You should study the route before your test MYTH - There isn t one set route that your test centre takes so it s better to just have good local knowledge instead.
31-May-2022 10:38:18
31-May-2022 10:36:54
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