A new nationwide survey has found that just 24% of UK car owners say their car s engine oil level is checked once per month which lubricants experts at Castrol recommend is necessary to optimise fuel efficiency minimise carbon emissions and extend the life of the engine. Castrol s survey found that some cars on UK roads go for extended periods without any check of the engine s oil level with 30% of owners saying they leave it to mechanics to do as part of the vehicle s annual service. 32% of respondents stated that they did not know the frequency with which oil checks should ideally take place. 19% of car owners polled said that they would check the oil themselves but only if the car were to alert them with a warning light. However according to Castrol the oil warning light on most cars illuminates only when the oil reserve is at or below the minimum and at this point the engine can already be at serious risk of damage. A minority of UK car owners (32%) have never topped up the engine oil on their current car or any previous car and 12% say they wouldn t know how to perform a check on their current vehicle. Many stated that they are not confident in doing an oil check themselves with almost a third (32%) agreeing with the statement I would prefer a technician / mechanic to check as they would do a more effective job. Only 45% say they typically check the oil level themselves with the remainder instead asking for it to be done by a partner spouse neighbour relative or work colleague. Castrol estimates that 21% of vehicles on European roads are currently low on oil and 8% are at immediate risk of damage because the oil level is at or below the minimum recommended level.
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