Car theft is continuing to be a prominent issue in neighbourhoods across the UK with thieves targeting valuable car and car parts to resell for profit. With the latest Office of National Statistics figures reporting over 348 481 vehicle offences - including theft from and of vehicles in the last year. It is vital to protect your car from opportunists. From airbags to steering wheels and catalytic converters. Criminals are taking just minutes to rip valuable parts from our cars even if they re parked on our own drives. In a recent report from Admiral Insurance steering wheel theft to retrieve airbags was stated to have risen by 68% in the last year due to supply chain issues. The result for the owner. a high insurance premium and an expensive repair bill that could reach into the £ 1 000s. And for the criminal a healthy profit with parts on the black market reaching £ 200-£ 500. Adrienne Sharkey-Perves Senior Marketing Director at surveillance camera brand Arlo comments: Recent reports show that steering wheel theft has risen by 68% in the past year leaving victims of theft with high insurance premiums and expensive repair bills. Often utilising devices to hack car keys left in clear view culprits are quick to seek out vulnerable areas like doors letterboxes and windows to unlock vehicles remotely so storing keys in a safer place out of sight is a quick first step to security.
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