Car Insurance Expert at Alex Kindred has some advice on how to keep our tyres in good condition: As we head towards winter the roads will be getting wetter and more slippery. It s so important to remember to check our tyres are in good condition before heading out to avoid accidents and keep all road users safe. The laws around tyre maintenance are strict. You need to ensure that the tyres are the right type and size for your car they should have a minimum tread depth of 1.6mm but try not to let them fall below about 3mm to be safe and all tyres should be inflated to their recommended pressure. If your tyres are found to be illegal you could be hit with a fine of £ 2 500 per tyre and get three points on your licence. Unroadworthy tyres could also risk your safety the safety of others and any car insurance claim you need to make being invalidated. Regular maintenance could save you trouble down the line. Take a good look around each of the tyres and make sure that there aren t any cuts tears or bulges. The easiest way to measure tread depth is with a 20p place a 20p coin in the grooves of the tyre and if the rim of the coin disappears your tyres should have enough tread depth. And you ll need a gauge to check the tyre pressure but if you re not sure how to use it and want to make sure your tyres are in good nick before your trip our top tips for tyre maintenance will make things clearer.
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